Click on the button below to view or print an enlarged traffic regulation notice.
Please direct all inquiries related to traffic regulation to:
●Osaka Marathon Organization Committee Secretariat
(Traffic regulation inquiry desk) : 06-6614-2811
●Osaka Prefectural Police Department: 06-6943-1234 (Main line)

◆On the day of the event, please refrain from arriving by car. If you absolutely must come by car, please use the recommended traffic route
(the Hanshin Expressway – some entrances and exits will be regulated).
◆Bicycle and pedestrian traffic will also be regulated. Pedestrians should use pedestrian bridges, subway entrances/exits, etc.
※Streets in direct contact with the course will also be closed off from traffic.
(Areas in close proximity to the course only.)
※Traffic regulation times are guidelines only and may change depending on competition conditions on the actual day of the event.