Privacy policyPrivacy policy

(Revised in August 2021)

The Osaka Marathon Organizing Committee (the “Committee”) is a voluntary association established for the purpose of organizing the Osaka Marathon (the “Race”).
The Committee recognizes the importance of protecting all personal information in the Race and its other events, and establishes the policy described below to ensure thorough compliance by its officers, employees, etc. with behavioral standards they must adhere to, thereby endeavoring to protect personal information.

The Committee will acquire personal information through lawful and fair means.
The Committee will use personal information within the scope of the purposes of use it specified at the time of acquisition thereof. Accordingly, the Committee will take measures to prevent any use beyond the scope of the purposes of use.
The Committee will not provide personal information to any external parties without obtaining the prior consent of the principal, unless within the scope specified in advance or pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations, etc.
The Committee will maintain personal information in its proper state and take appropriate measures and corrective action to prevent its leakage, loss or damage.
The Committee confirms that the principal possesses the right to request disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, elimination or suspension of use of his or her personal information, and will promptly respond to such request if received.
The Committee will appropriately and promptly respond to any complaints or consultations, if received, concerning its handling of personal information. The Committee will strive to improve the protection of personal information on a continual basis.

1. Personal Information Handled by the Committee

  • (1) The Committee handles the personal information listed below concerning runners, guide runners, volunteers, technical officials, and personnel involved in the Race who participate in the Race and its related events (including those who apply to participate in them) (collectively, the ”Race Participants”).
    • (i) The name, gender, date of birth, age, address, telephone number (including mobile phone; the same shall apply hereinafter), email address, and nationality of each of the Race Participants
    • (ii) The name and telephone number of the emergency contact person of each Race Participant, and the relationship of such emergency contact person with the Race Participant
  • (2) The Committee also handles the following personal information as necessary.
    • (i) Whether runners are registered with the Japan Association of Athletics Federations (JAAF) and their JAAF ID
    • (ii) Whether the Race Participants have any disabilities and the disability types
    • (iii) Whether volunteers have daily conversational skills in a foreign language and/or sign language
  • (3) In addition to the foregoing personal information, when the Race Participants participate in the Race and its related events, the Committee acquires and handles the following personal information: the Race Participants’ body temperatures, whether they have symptoms suggestive of infection, and their running records (including intermediate race records and location information).
  • (4) If the need arises to provide first aid to a Race Participant or transfer him/her to a hospital, the Committee will additionally acquire and handle necessary information concerning such Race Participant, including the name and telephone number of the Race Participant’s accommodation, any illness under treatment, any current medications, any allergies, the illness or injury name, the symptoms, the site of occurrence, and details of the treatment received. Further, if a Race Participant is transferred to a hospital, the Committee will acquire from the hospital and handle necessary information concerning such Race Participant, including the illness or injury name, the course of symptoms, the course of treatment, and any prescriptions, in order to take response actions after the accident and to examine and improve safety-related matters, such as the assignment of first aid staff and the deployment of emergency vehicles, for future Races.

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

With the aim of improving services for the Race Participants and ensuring the smooth operation of the Race, the Committee will use personal information for providing the participation guide, confirming related information, sending notices and making contact, taking out accident insurance, providing services from the sponsors, supporting organizations and related organizations, conducting surveys, and announcing race results (including rankings).

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Committee will not provide personal information to any third parties without obtaining the consent of the Race Participant concerned, except in the following cases.

  • (1) Where personal information is provided within the scope necessary for performing the Committee’s operations
  • (2) Where there is a need to provide personal information to related business operators (including World Marathon Majors LLC located in the United States, operating the Abbott World Marathon Majors) and contractors within the scope relevant to the operation of the Race
  • (3) Where personal information is required for sending printed materials from the Committee
  • (4) Where personal information is provided to public health centers and/or medical institutions as infection prevention and control measures and for other related purposes
  • (5) Where personal information is required for administrative procedures for coverage of accident insurance
  • (6) Where videos, photographs, articles, records, etc. of the Race and its related events are reported, posted or used on television or the Internet, in newspapers, magazines or other publications, or the like
  • (7) Where the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body or property of an individual, and where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Race Participant concerned
  • (8) In any other cases where the provision of personal information is required by laws and regulations, etc.

Contact for inquiries

Osaka Marathon Call Center
TEL: 072-886-8930 Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays)