- プレス一覧
プレス関係者様へTo Members of Press
- 第9回大阪マラソン「マスコミ向け」関連資料は
ユーザ名(ID)、パスワードを入力し、ダウンロードください。 - For related documents about the 8th Osaka Marathon for the press, prease enter ID and password and download the file.
- 第9回大阪マラソン「マスコミ向け」関連資料は
- こちらよりご登録いただくと、新着情報が掲載された際メールでご案内をお送りします。
- If you register from here, fresh press releases will be sent to you by e-mail as soon as they are updated on the website.
For members of the press who have already registered for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Osaka Marathon, we will notify them separately.