About Charity

Slogan ”Making a Rainbow Together” This year again, you can select the theme you wish to support from various charity themes. The Osaka Marathon will be organized as a charity marathon with unique programs.

About Charity

  • “Running helps someone”

    The Osaka Marathon aims to help people develop a deeper understanding of charitable activities and encourage many of those participating in the race, including runners, supporters on the sidelines and volunteers to participate in such charity programs.

    We hope to pump up the charity programs of the Osaka Marathon together with people by various forms of participation in the race, i.e. runners, supporters and cheerers, so all can enjoy this charity event.

  • Charity
A list of charitable organizations associated with the 7th Osaka Marathon
Charity Theme (Color) Activities by charitable organizations Charitable Organizations(New organizations from the 7th Osaka Marathon※)
Purple To preserve our beautiful city and livelihood Organizations, etc., that are engaged in carrying out campaigns such as regional clean-up operations to beautify towns, conserving and restoring historic landscapes, supporting the creation of communities friendly to the elderly and children, offering disaster education, or providing disaster relief OISCA The Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement-International (Non-Profit Organization Incorporated Foundation)
Navy To support sports and culture Organizations, etc., that are engaged in supporting all athletes, training junior athletes, promoting lifelong sports, improving environments such as sports facilities, or helping children develop through activities based on culture and the arts NPO Pool Volunteer
NPO Kaikaku Project (※)
Aqua To conserve our natural environment Organizations, etc., that are engaged in supporting water supply systems, maintaining public hygiene facilities, saving animals living near the edge of bodies of water such as seas and rivers, conducting water purification activities, reforesting, conserving environments such as satoyama (woodlands surrounding farm villages), promoting urban reforestation, or providing environmental education Association for Nature Restoration and Conservation, Japan (Specified NPO)
Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF) (Non-Profit Organization Incorporated Foundation)
Green To brighten future of children Organizations, etc., that create environments in which children worldwide can learn and exercise in safety, or organizations, etc., that carry out activities aimed at resolving the issue of children in poverty Tsurumi Children’s Hospice (General Incorporated Association) (※)
D × P (Specified NPO) (※)
Yellow To support families Organizations, etc., that support children and their families suffering under long-term care due to incurable diseases and operate facilities equipped with support systems for children fighting against disease, and carry out support activities Hope & Wish for Children with Life-Threatening Illness and Their Families (Non-Profit Organization Incorporated Foundation)
Befrienders Worldwide Osaka Suicide Prevention Center (Specified NPO) (※)
Orange To assist child care and young people Organizations, etc., that contribute to resolving the issues of daycare center waiting lists, daycare support for sick children, child care, and single parents in poverty, or supporting eradication of abuse or providing job assistance to young people NPO Nobel
NPO Sodateage Net
Red To support your hopes to live Organizations, etc., that contribute to research into diseases for which cures are yet to be found or to the development of new medical technology Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University
Cancer Support Community Japan (Specified NPO)