About Charity

charity themes

About Charity

“Running helps someone”

The Osaka Marathon aims to help people develop a deeper understanding of charitable activities and encourage many of those participating in the race, including runners,
supporters on the sidelines and volunteers to participate in such charity programs.

We hope to pump up the charity programs of the Osaka Marathon together with people by various forms of participation in the race, i.e. runners, supporters and cheerers,
so all can enjoy this charity event.

A list of charitable organizations
Charity Color /
Charity Theme
Activities carried out by charitable organizations Charitable Organization
(New organizations ※Note2)
To preserve our beautiful city A campaign by young people to beautify the town and support activities to improve it green bird
(Specified NPO)
Supporting young people by work assistance in picking up trash The Social Design Company Smile Style
(Specified NPO)
To brighten future of children Providing daycare support for sick children to help single parents in Osaka NPO Nobel
Educational support, providing books and toys to schools in Myanmar Bridge Asia Japan
(Specified NPO) (※ Note 2)
To provide clean water Supplying people in developing countries with safe water and hygiene WaterAid Japan
(Specified NPO)
Saving living creatures by restoring the aquatic environment in Japan Association for Nature Restoration and Conservation, Japan
(Specified NPO) (※ Note 2)
To conserve our natural environment Regeneration of coastal forest which disappeared due to the Great East Japan Earthquake OISCA
The Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement-International
(Non-Profit Organization Incorporated Foundation)
Creating a society where all children can interact with nature from the heart Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF)
(Non-Profit Organization Incorporated Foundation)
(※ Note 2)
To support families Support for children with incurable diseases and their families Hope & Wish for Children with Life-Threatening Illness and Their Families (Non-Profit Organization Incorporated Foundation)
Supporting the lives of babies and mothers worldwide Save the Children Japan
(Non-Profit Organization Incorporated Foundation)
(※ Note 2)
To assist your dreams Job assistance for young unemployed people NPO Sodateage Net
Teaching all children with disabilities how to swim at municipal swimming pools NPO Pool Volunteer
(※ Note 2)
To support your hopes to live Research into regenerative medicine and drug development via iPS cells Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University
Support for cancer patients and their families Cancer Support Community Japan (Specified NPO)